
Showing posts from March, 2023

Degree Certificate Attestation for UAE

  Degree Certificate Attestation means proving the authenticity and credibility of the Degree Certificate. So that the degree Certificate is viable for the use in UAE. The degree Certificate is attested by legal authorities and government bodies. At each level, the degree Certificate is checked, verified, signed, stamped, sealed, and then attested by designated personnel. An Attested Degree certificate is much useful for taking admission abroad as it proves your credibility of being a student.   What are the uses of an Attested Degree Certificate? ·        For Higher Education ·        For admission to college and University ·        For Specialised or career-oriented course ·        For Building Identity abroad ·        For Enjoying Rights and facilities ·        For employment purp...

Indian Embassy Attestation service in Qatar

    The Qatari People have their endowment when it comes to visiting India. The attestation from Indian Embassy becomes the most crucial part. Indian Embassy offers various services for different ranges of certificates. Wherein Indian Embassy Attestation means proving the authenticity and validity of the Qatar-Document so that the is viable for use in India.   What are the documents attested by Indian Embassy?   •              Educational Document Attestation •              Personal Document Attestation •              Commercial Document Attestation   What are the Services Provided by Indian Embassy for Attestation ?   •              Degree Certificate Attestation •      ...

Which Certificate Needs Attestation for UAE jobs?

  When UAE was just known for its tourist attractions. The country has extended its arms in all the wings to prove the baton. Even the students are moving to UAE for further education. UAE is promising faster employment by committing to specialized courses and career-oriented programs. It is well said that Employment creation is related to wealth creation. UAE is known for creating high-paying jobs in beautiful cities like Dubai and Sharjah. But before you plan to go to UAE, make sure you’re all the documents are attested neatly and obvious you are prepared to see all the explicit beauty of UAE. Job creation and people relocating to UAE have seen an increment in the last decades. Before we jump further to the attestation part, let us see what the actual attestation is. Attestation: Attestation is a legal procedure for proving the authenticity, credibility, and validity of the document so that the document is viable for use in a foreign nation (UAE in our case). The procedure of att...

What do we mean by PCC Attestation for Qatar?

PCC stands for and reads as a Police Clearance Certificate . Though at many places it is known by different names such as Good Standing certificate or Good Obeying Certificate. PCC is issued after a clear background check of an Individual so that he/she can declare himself as clean in different government units for a different purpose.   PCC can be applied online from the comfort of a couch and fingertips. Wherein a PCC is issued by either a relevant government agency or the local police authority. PCC is a crucial certificate to prove yourself as crime-free and Neat from the background.   What do we mean by PCC Attestation for Qatar ?   Attestation of PCC simply means proving the credibility and authenticity of PCC. So that it can be used full-Fledged in Qatar. A PCC is attested by a reliable method, after the indulgence of legal bodies and Government Institutions.   An Attested PCC has several uses such as building identity abroad or for any seamles...

What is Death Certificate Attestation?

  Death Certificate is a legal Document which states the right time, right cause of death and correct location. Death Certificate is issued by Civil Registration office and medical Authorities. A Death certificate on someone’s name also confirms that he/she is also the part of death register.   Wherein a death certificate attestation is an act of authenticity which confirms that the person died on this particular location, at the given time and for the following reasons. Attestation from the authorities/Department is done on the certificate by signing and sealing the death certificate. When a death certificate is attested by official capacity to prove its Authenticity.   Purpose of Death Certificate: ·        For Closing Bank Account ·        To identify cause of Death ·        For Financial Benefits to immediate Dependents ·        To ...

What are the documents to be attested for an employment visa in the UAE?

  UAE as a country is making a huge name in employment building and massive infrastructure. It has been well proven that UAE is no less in terms of providing job opportunities. Most of the youths are relocating to UAE for the high-paying Job. Salary is one of the most important stunts to attract youth across the globe. For working in UAE, an Employment visa is a necessity.   Below is the list of documents to be attested for an employment visa in the UAE. As we know that for the convenience of the masses, the documents are broadly divided into 3 categories. These two sets of documents are mandatory for attestation.   •              Educational Document attestation (For joining as a fresher) •              Personal Document Attestation (Most required)   These two sets of documents include: •        ...

What is the process for getting an educational certificate attested by the Local Police Station in Dubai?

  Getting the educational Certificate attested is the prime need of the students who are hauling for higher education. Most students dream to complete the study of their field at renowned colleges across the globe. And here the need for attestation comes into play. Educational Documents are also known as Academic document that states your academic excellence.  Here is the right procedure for getting the educational certificate from the local police station in Dubai, you require to follow the below-mentioned steps: 1. You can log in to the Dubai Police website and Navigate to the Attestation section portal on the same website. 2. Click on the option named Educational Document Attestation . 3. Provide all necessary details for the document attestation such as the personal details and the details mentioned in your certificate.  4. Upload the asked documents such as the original certificate, passport, and other documents.  5. Pay the applicable fee to the po...

What is the benefit of attesting a degree certificate

  Degree Certificate attestation is a valid procedure for approving the validity of a Degree Certificate so that it is authentic for use in the UAE. The authenticity and credibility of the degree certificate are proved by the right channel of legal and government institutions ·        For Higher Education ·        For Specialized courses ·        For admission to colleges and Universities ·        To apply for a job as a fresher   What is the right procedure for attesting degree certificate for UAE : ·        Attestation of degree certificate is firstly done by the state notary public. ·        The second level of attestation on the degree certificate is done by Human Resource and Development Ministry (HRD) . ·        Then the attestation is done on Degr...