What are the documents to be attested for an employment visa in the UAE?


UAE as a country is making a huge name in employment building and massive infrastructure. It has been well proven that UAE is no less in terms of providing job opportunities. Most of the youths are relocating to UAE for the high-paying Job. Salary is one of the most important stunts to attract youth across the globe. For working in UAE, an Employment visa is a necessity.


Below is the list of documents to be attested for an employment visa in the UAE. As we know that for the convenience of the masses, the documents are broadly divided into 3 categories. These two sets of documents are mandatory for attestation.


             Educational Document attestation (For joining as a fresher)

             Personal Document Attestation (Most required)


These two sets of documents include:

             Marriage Certificate for married couples

             Birth Certificate

             Power of Attorney

             Employment Certificate

             Degree Certificates

             Salary Document

             Religion Document

             The sponsorship declaration (if Available)

             Medical Document

             Police Clearance Certificate


What are the documents required to get these certificates attested:

             Original Documents obvious

             Authorisation letter

             A copy of the Passport



Before getting the documents attested for employment, makes sure that you hold subdue amount of time in your hand. Secondly, Education certificate attestation are also helpful for Specialized courses and Career-oriented programs. Get all the mandatory documents attested so that you do not regret further.


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