Degree Certificate Attestation for UAE


Degree Certificate Attestation means proving the authenticity and credibility of the Degree Certificate. So that the degree Certificate is viable for the use in UAE. The degree Certificate is attested by legal authorities and government bodies. At each level, the degree Certificate is checked, verified, signed, stamped, sealed, and then attested by designated personnel. An Attested Degree certificate is much useful for taking admission abroad as it proves your credibility of being a student.


What are the uses of an Attested Degree Certificate?

·       For Higher Education

·       For admission to college and University

·       For Specialised or career-oriented course

·       For Building Identity abroad

·       For Enjoying Rights and facilities

·       For employment purposes


What is the right step to Attest a Degree Certificate?

·       Notarized Attestation

·       HRD Attestation on Degree Certificate

·       MEA Attestation on Degree Certificate

·       Final Attestation is done by UAE Embassy on Degree Certificate




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