What is Home Department Attestation?


As the name suggests, Attestation from the home department means getting the document attested by SHD (State Home Department). This is the state level of attestation which is equivalent to the Human Resource and Development Ministry Attestation and SDM (Sub-Divisional Magistrate) Attestation. The process is done after the document qualifies for the Notary attestation by the advocate in your locality.


Home Department Attestation means proving the authenticity and genuineness of the document by the state home department. So that the document is viable for use in a foreign nation. There exists a viable procedure for attesting the document. At each level, the documents are checked, stamped, sealed, signed and then finally attested by affiliate personnel. Once the documents are home department Attestation goes further to the Ministry of External Affairs Attestation, followed by the Embassy Attestation.


What is the document attested by the home department?

·       Educational Document

·       Personal Document


Here is the right procedure for the attestation of the Document:

·       Notary Attestation

·       HRD Attestation

·       MEA Attestation

·       Embassy Attestation


You can get the document attested by the viable authorities in quick turnaround time, visit us at https://www.geniusattestation.com/



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