Educational document Attestation for UAE


Educational Documents are your academic certificates that talk about your academic journey. The educational certificates are issued by schools, colleges, universities, and other academic institutions. It includes some important information like the name of the students, the course opted for, Duration of the course, commence date, the completion date, and the overall performance of the student.


What do we mean by Educational Document Attestation for UAE?


Educational document for UAE means proving the authenticity and credibility of the academic certificates. So that the academic certificates are recognized for usage in UAE. The educational certificates are attested in a pre-designed procedure. Where at each step the academic certificates are verified, stamped, sealed, signed, and then attested.


Here is the list of a few educational documents:


·       Marksheet

·       Degree Certificate

·       School leaving Certificate

·       College Leaving Certificate

·       Transfer Certificate

·       Migration Certificate

·       Character Certificate

·       And another academic certificate


Procedure for attesting educational documents for UAE?


·       Notarized Attestation

·       HRD Attestation

·       MEA Attestation

·       UAE Embassy Attestation

·       MOFA Attestation


To get the educational document attested for UAE, visit us at




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