What is the complete divorce certificate attestation for UAE?


One of the most crucial documents in any marriage is a divorce decree. It demonstrates that a couple's marriage has been legally ended and that a divorce has been granted. With the use of this document, the parties can split amicably rather than being pressured into an annulment.

A divorce certificate attestation guarantees that you will go from being married to being single, or the other way around. Even if your spouse or partner never formally divorced you, you will no longer be regarded as married in legal terms. It is crucial that you receive this paperwork from the court in advance if you wish to have a divorce certified so that you can avoid having to spend money on an annulment trial.

The significance of attestation of divorce certificates

The importance of the divorce certificate attestation cannot be overstated. This is because it demonstrates that the party that filed for the other person's divorce truly did so. Additionally, it demonstrates that the opposite party is not wed to anybody else save the spouse of the divorcing spouse.

A divorce certificate attestation confirms that both parties have complied with all legal requirements before filing for divorce. This guarantees that there won't be any legal troubles after the divorce and that there won't be any disagreements about custody, visitation, or alimony later on.

Process of Divorce certificate attestation

·       Notary attestation,

·       Ministry of External Affairs,

·       Embassy, and

·       Ministry of Foreign Affairs are all steps in the divorce certificate attestation process.

One of the most crucial documents to include with your divorce application is the attestation of the divorce certificate. The justification for this is that it assists in establishing your status as a divorced individual rather than an unmarried person who has never been divorced.

Get your divorce certificate attested by Genius Attestation because we offer our clients services that are always of the highest caliber.


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