Chamber of Commerce Attestation


An attestation from the Chamber of Commerce is assigned if you are starting with a new business. Before the attestation is carried out, a proper evaluation of your Commercial documents and certificates is done, then an attestation from the Chamber of Commerce along with other form of commercial document attestations is assigned onto them to prove their legality so that you may use them for catering to your needs and requirements. An attestation from the Chamber of Commerce may be used for purposes of enhancement of an existing business venture or for the purpose of starting a new business. An attestation from the Chamber of Commerce may also be used for purposes in relation to trading of commodities or services.

For the purpose of travelling abroad, the Chamber of Commerce Attestation is carried out by the Embassy of the respective country you are residing in. They will assign with an attestation from the Chamber of Commerce only after strictly validating them so that you can use them for acquiring a Visa or a passport and other mandatory documents needed to travel abroad. An attestation from the Chamber of Commerce is also necessary of you want to start a new venture of your own abroad, or want to seek important documents for the same. An attestation of your Commercial documents is also necessary if you want to attain a trading license abroad or want to gain finance to start off with a new venture.

Kinds of attestation considered for Commercial Certificates

Given are some of the attestations considered for your Commercial Certificates:

·       Origin Certificate Attestation

·       Invoice Certificate Attestation

·       Attorney Certificate Attestation

·       Incorporation Certificate Attestation

·       Chamber of Commerce Attestation.

Importance of attestation from Chamber of Commerce

Following are some of the listed reasons of why you should get a Chamber of Commerce Attestation onto your Commercial Certificates and documents:

·       For acquiring a work/residential Visa

·       For trading purposes

·       For gaining a business license

·       For acquiring Citizenship

·       For starting a new business

·       For enhancing an existing business etc.


Documents required

Following are some important documents and certificates that are required for getting an attestation from the Chamber of Commerce:

·       Attested copy of original documents

·       Passport Copy

Why attestation from Chamber of Commerce?

The initial attestation is done by the Chamber of Commerce. After you have attained the Chamber of Commerce Attestation onto your commercial documents and certificates to prove their genuineness, they are eligible to be used by you for your commercial and trading purposes and also for gaining a trading license or a Visa in the country you want to pursue your business in.

Why Genius Attestation Services?

Genius Attestation Services may also help you with any assistance with attestation form the Chamber of Commerce. For a more reliable and top-notch help in regard to Chamber of Commerce Attestation, you may refer to They will carry out the process of attestation at an impressively minimal and pocket-friendly cost and gets the attestation done within a limited period of time involved.








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