Certificate Attestation for UAE


Document and Certificate Attestation is a crucial procedure to be carried out in order to qualify the legality of your documents and certificates so that you may use them for serving to your personal needs. The attestation of your documents and certificates is carried out by the Home Department or by the magistrate or by any authorized legal person from the court who will assign with an attestation onto your documents and certificate in order to validate their originality so that you can use them for acquiring a Visa and other important documents needed to travel abroad. You may also use an attested copy of your document or certificate for purposes in relation to higher education, or for seeking a job, for starting a business and also for acquiring other important documents that you may need.

If you are planning to go to the UAE, the Certificate Attestation for UAE is done by the UAE Embassy of  your Home country. They will assign with an attestation onto your documents and certificates for UAE, so that you can use them for getting a work or residential Visa and other important documents that you may need to use in the UAE. You may also use the attested Certificate or document for getting a permanent residency at the UAE, and also for travelling from UAE to another country. Other than the legal procedures considered to get an attestation of your documents and certificates, Attestation Services may also help assign an attestation of your certificates at ease and within a stipulated amount of time involved in the entire process.

Importance of Attestation of Certificates for UAE

Stated are some of the reasons about why you should get an attestation of your Certificates for UAE:

·       For getting Citizenship

·       For getting a residential/work Visa

·       For getting a job

·       For higher education

·       For business purposes

·       For immigration purposes etc.

Documents required for getting an Attestation of Certificates for UAE

You may require the following documents and certificates for getting an attestation of documents for going to the UAE:

·       Attested copy of your original documents

·       Passport Copy


Process of Attestation

The following steps and procedures are carried out in order to get a Certificate Attestation for UAE:

·       Notary Attestation- The introductory attestation is done by the Notary Public.

·       MEA Attestation- The upcoming attestation is from the Ministry of External Affairs done by Home Department.

·       Embassy Attestation- Preceding to that is an attestation from the Embassy.

·       MOFA Attestation- The prior attestation is done by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Why Genius Attestation Services?

Apart from the consular and judicial procedures usually carried out to get an attestation done of your documents and certificates for UAE, there are Attestation Services and Attestation Experts who may help to get an attestation done of your documents and certificates at ease. Thus, for a more trustworthy assistance regarding Certificate Attestation for UAE, you can refer to Genius Attestation Services for any queries related to it. You may also log into www.geniusattestation.com, in order to get an attestation done conveniently at an impressively low cost and within a limited time period.


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